Thursday, May 27, 2010


The last night of Florence was beautiful. We went to the Piazza Michelangelo and watched the sunset. Such a nice view...

Uffizi in the morning which didn't allow pictures unfortunately... but seeing all the Botticelli paintings was pretty rad. Plus Titian's Venus of Urbino and Parmagianino's Madonna of the Long Neck. Oh, plus a Caravaggio exhibit which had Gentileschi's Judith Slaying Holoferenes.

Then Venice! Not too much to say other than it's very pretty and surprisingly cheap. We went to the beach today, on Lido.

Next is a night-train for 11 hours to Vienna. Apparently we won't have internet there so my next blog might not be for a while.

ttfn :)


  1. This is all ver coo and all, but it needs more puns.

    Puns are key.

  2. I remember Venice being a great place to just wander around and take pictures. We only stopped there for about 24 hours, so I hope to go back there one day.

    Vienna is a favourite of mine; I went there after my high school grad for about a week with my aunt and uncle. And my diary entry for the 1995 visit is suprinsingly full of detail about *stuff I saw*, not just the usual what time I arrived, whether I did laundry, and what I ate.

    Anyway we did the Belvedere of course, Orangerie, Secession, Stephansdom, Rathaus ... even took in a free event at the Rathaus in the evening where they had classical music accompanied by video projections. Apparently my fellow travellers were out until 4:00 am but I retired early. Boring!

    Now you are getting into bratwurst territory! Cheap street eats!!!!!

